The Forgotten Parent
SIR,—Mr. Roger Clarke's article contains so many near truths, and so many glimpses of the obvious dressed up as profundities (e.g., " compul- sory education......
Boys And The Pits
Sta,—A chairman of the Miners' Lodge connected with a large colliery in South Wales' wroteto me the other day and said that not a single boy under 15 had entered the employment......
Lord's Cricket Ground
SIR,—May I encroach on your space to answer my critic R. N. ? A poem should be judged on its merits as poetry, not as a small work of reference. Surely, " Lord's Cricket Ground......
18 B.
SIR, —May an old reader of The Spectator, and an old lawyer, record his regret at your mild benison on the above regulation? (s) Under it the Home Secretary is at once (a)......
Percentage Of Churchgoers
SIR,—Your correspondents who hav written on the subject of the numbers of adherents to the Churches in this country omit, I venture to say, an important factor. Allow me to......