The Historian's Mind
Conflicts. By L. B. Namier. (Macmillan. 8s. tkl.) THE difference between the historian and the historiographer should be so obvious as to need no new emphasis. Yet in these......
Dick Sheppard
FEW religious teachers in our own day have more deeply moved the heart and conscience of England than Dick Sheppard. If any- one could have converted London to Christianity he......
MR. GELBER wrote some years ago a solid, useful, academic book on The Rise of Anglo-American Friendship. It is possible that his studies in that field showed him the close......
A Proust Friendship
Marcel Proust : Lettres a Une Arnie. Recueil de quarante-et-une lettres inedites adressies I Marie Nordlinger I899-1908. (Editions du Calame, Manchester. LI Is.) A scAftcrrt of......