Star—The Secretary of the United Central Africa Association in his
letter in your last issue states that both political parties in England• are pledged to reject the policy of self-government for the Africans. If this means a policy which would disenfranchise the white popu- lation no doubt he is correct; this would be the policy of the Govern- ment of the Union of South Africa in reverse.
Might I ask, however, whether Mr. Poole accepts the Rhodes declaration of equal rights for all civilised men ? It is inevitable that, either by consent or by force, some day—however far distant— black voters in Central Africa will exceed white. Does he accept that this is the ultimate meaning of partnership, to be obtained by consent ? This is, incidentally, the other way round from what has happened in West Africa. Clear answers on this point are difficult to obtain from Central Africa. Perhaps Mr. Poole would kindly oblige.—Yours faithfully, GEOFFREY MANDER. Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton.