Sut,—the Two Articles On This Subject Interested Me...
written as they obviously were, yet, as in a Test Match, the first to bat had a decided advantage, with the result that the reply became almost an apologia. Perhaps it was......
Norman Douglas
SIR,—In Miss Sylva Norman's most friendly review of my book, Norman Douglas: A Pictorial Record, she comments on the fact that I give Norman Douglas's birthplace as Austria,......
Sir,—mr. Angus Maude Condemns The Destruction Of The...
preparatory sehools—" something of great value which could never be .replaced "—as an act of folly; yet he appears to regard their demise, through . economic causes, with......
Sus,—although One May State A Case For Uniformity In...
facilities, where do the Labour Party suggest that uniformity should stop ? What effect do they think the measures they suggest will have qn the ambitious, the more gifted and......
Competitive Television
SIR,—Mr. Gilbert Longden's reference to the advertising profession's code of ethics for users of competitive television, particularly stringent where children's programmes are......
Letters To The Editor
Privilege in Education SIR;—This letter comes from someone who was expensively educated and did not like it. Privileged adolescents get better physical accom- modation for......