SIR, — No one' with any interest in Comparative Religion would minimise the very great contribution made by the teaching of Gautama, the Buddha. One of the first steps in that......
The Way Of Michael Scott
SIR,—! am, I fear, rather late in Writing to reply to C. J. Alport's letter on the Way of Michael Scott, which appeared in your issue of June 19th. Nevertheless I should not......
Star—the Secretary Of The United Central Africa...
letter in your last issue states that both political parties in England • are pledged to reject the policy of self-government for the Africans. If this means a policy which......
Sin,--i Am Neither Theologian Nor Politician, But I Have For
some time both felt deeply and read fairly extensively on this subject, and I cannot help feeling that Mr. Lane Poole's letter may be dangerously misleading. He ignores......
The Press Council
Sitt,—Re your comments on the Press Council and the Daily Mirror, you will have noticed that the Daily Mirror did have something to say, on Thursday. One of its remarks was :......