fi/ Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 11th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted front the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the whiner will be published in the following Issue.]
/4 /5 4
1. Take a gin in the ship for them. (7.) 5. Chair to make a bean. (7.)
9. " Strange sounds along the - passed " (Scott). (7.) 10. Largely the monarch rearranges sesame. (7.) 11. They hold what they handle or the reverse. (10.) 12. Australasia embraces more than itself. (4.) 13. What a bore the Jaw can become. (3.) 14. Peter's upset about the blood of the gods. (11.)
17. They started in St. George's Fields. (6, 5.)
19. A little drink either way. (3.) 20. Put by except a broken vase. (4.) 22. The only thing to do with this is to chalk it up. (10.) 26. Not necessarily tight. (7.) 27. News from Old Trafford or Leeds. (7.) 28. Art remains undefined by him. (7.) 29. Beds for cricketers. (7.)
1. These by their other name would embarrass firemen. (5.) 2. " A - betwixt life and death " (Wordsworth). (9.) 3. One sort of hymns. (7.) 4. Oval's applause. (5.) 5. He had no success with Bianca. (9.) 6.
25. " Aroint thee, wi ch I • the - fed ronyon cries" Shakespeare). (4.) They may go with a verdict. (5.) Antony did not mean to read it, he said. (9.) Not a sugar mixture. (9.) Sly shade seen at Orantehester. (5. 4.)
It's a score. (anag.) (9.) The medico turns up in clothes. (7.) The rise of Tel-a-viv four short. (5.) A sign of something missing. (5.) He may be found in the shade gasping. (5.)
An outstanding chief. (4.)