LETTERS Error that proves a point,
From Mr Sion Simon Sir: In my article of 17 July Mill this eagle fall?') before last arguing against annual reshuffles, I made an unpardonable error of fact. I wrote: 'It makes little enough dif- ference who is in the Cabinet, let alone who is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Small Firms (Barbara Roche)'. In fact, that office is held by Michael Wills, Mrs Roche now occupying the more exalt- ed position of Financial Secretary to the Treasury.
The explanation is that I mistakenly looked it up in the July 1998 edition of the PMS Parliamentary Companion, which is the same colour (yellow) as the July 1999 volume that I thought I was consulting. There is no excuse for such carelessness and I offer humble apologies. Not one let- ter of correction having been received from the usually gimlet-eyed readers of The Spectator, however, I can't help but think that my point is proved.
Sion Simon
10 Llyn Crescent, Femdale, Rhondda, South Wales