31 JULY 1999, page 25

Letters Error That Proves A Point,

From Mr Sion Simon Sir: In my article of 17 July Mill this eagle fall?') before last arguing against annual reshuffles, I made an unpardonable error of fact. I wrote: 'It makes......

Master Of Manners

From Mr William Shawcross Sir: Paul Johnson speaks kindly and rightly of my father's great courtesy (And another thing, 10 July). But he makes a small mis- take in quoting him......

Winston, Belgian-baiter

From Lord Hartwell Sir: Frank Johnson's masterly appreciation (Shared opinion, 17 July) of the lessons of military history regarding the organisation of an alliance to fight a......

Tory Homophiles

1From Mr Alistair B. Cooke, OBE Sir: Clause 28 of the 1988 Local Govern- ment Act hardly deserves the gay venom which Ivan Massow reports with absolute accuracy ('Why I, a......