31 JULY 1999, page 23

A Word Of Respect

THEY could start with a word of respect for Gordon Brown's bold decision. If that is too much for them, they could credit the idea to a Conservative chancellor, Nigel Lawson,......

City And Suburban

Never mind the Declaration of Independence the Old Lady is still in danger CHRISTOPHER FILDES R oyal Commissions, Harold Wilson said, take minutes and waste years, so Fran- cis......

Not A Study Group

IT WOULD be no service to the nation or the Bank to re-engineer it as a machine with a single purpose: to whirr once a month and set interest rates. Burning up stacks of data......

Look Out For Lesbians

THE Bank got its charter from William III because he had a war on his hands and needed to borrow money, as our rulers often do. The loan was a part of the deal. From then on the......

Euro On The Menu

EAT up your nice euros, says the Depart- ment of Trade and Industry. We know they taste disgusting, but they're good for you. By way of forcing them down, the DTI can- teen has......