31 MARCH 1894, Page 2

On Tuesday the Canadian Government introduced into the Dominion Parliament

at Ottawa their new Tariff Bill. The measure is specially beneficial to the goods of the Mother- country. In the case of a great many articles, there are reductions of from 10 to 5 per cent., and in cotton goods, the reductions are of a sweeping character. There is also a lowering of the dues on plate-glass. It would, however, be- premature to imagine that Canada is going to enter upon the path of Free-trade. No doubt, if she had only the pluck to make her ports free, she would double her population and her- wealth in ten years, and get not only the pick of the corn trade and the lumber trade, but lay hands on a great deal of the carrying trade of the Atlantic. We fear, however, that- the bad example next door, and the hatred of direct taxation felt in all new countries, will prevent her taking a step at once- so bold and so wise.