The Annual Meeting Of The .freeman's Journal Company Was...
in Dublin, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The proceedings, which were exceedingly stormy, especially on the second day—on the Tuesday the meeting broke up early owing to......
On Tuesday, Mr. Courtney, Speaking At Liskeard, Pointed'...
recklessness and want of seriousness with which the- agitation against the House of Lords is being conducted. Mr.. Gladstone's last words in the House of Commons were words of......
As Usual, Mr. Asquith Ended With A Peroration Which Car-
ried his hearers away. He dismissed all Mr. Chamberlain's fears, he said, because " we of the Liberal party do not share those apprehensions. We face the future with faith and......
The Berwickshire Election, Which Took Place On Thursday,...
the return of Mr. Tennant, the Home-rule candi- date, by a majority of 565. He polled 2,722 votes, and his opponent, Mr. Balfour, 2,157. In 1892, Mr. Marjoribank's majority was......
The Miniature General Election In Scotland Began On...
the contest in the Leith Burghs. Here Mr. Munro-Ferguson kept the seat, but by a majority diminished by 511 votes. The figures of Monday's polling were : Ferguson (Home-ruler),......
Mr. Agar Ellis Gives, In The Times Of Saturday Last,
some very curious testimony as to the sense of peace and content which is settling down on Ireland. Mr. Gladstone's resignation seems to have been taken very quietly. " And......
On Tuesday The Canadian Government Introduced Into The...
at Ottawa their new Tariff Bill. The measure is specially beneficial to the goods of the Mother- country. In the case of a great many articles, there are reductions of from 10......
Mr. Courtney Made An Interesting Speech At Bodmin On...
in which he offered a carefully reasoned estimate of Lord Rosebery. He regarded him evidently as a great Opportunist, or, as he put it, " a child of circumstances." " There were......