We Are Always Being Called On To Pity Somebody, And
now it is the eldest sons of Peers who raise the melancholy wail. Lord Wolmer, Mr. Brodrick, and Mr. Curzon, all heirs to Peerages, complain in the Nineteenth Century that they......
There Are Treasures Of Ancient Knowledge To Be Dis- Covered
yet. Almost every excavation in Egypt yields papyri, and the Greek antiquarians have recently dug up a hymn to Apollo, with its musical notation so far perfect that a Parisian......
Mr. W. Mather, M.p., Head Of The Great Engireering Firm
of Mather and Platt, Salford, reports to:the employers in his trade the result of an experiment carefully carried on for a whole year in the reduction of hours. His firm used to......
There Can Be Little Doubt That The Increasing...
accompanies civilisation increases greatly the tendency to suicide. A sort of epidemic of the crime is raging here, the immediate causes usually being fear of poverty, jealousy,......
The Times Of Tuesday Gives An Abstract Of A Very
curious proposition de loi which M. Cabart-Danneville recently pre- sented to the French Chamber of Deputies. This Bill, which pro- poses to make better provision for the coast......
The Newspapers Are Publishing A Strange Story About A...
of which the Indian Government is in search. A private who died recently at Wandsworth, confessed, on his death-bed, that after the storm of Mandelay he and a comrade entered......
Mr. Agar Ellis Gives, In The Times Of Saturday Last,
some very curious testimony as to the sense of peace and content which is settling down on Ireland. Mr. Gladstone's resignation seems to have been taken very quietly. " And......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (24) Were On
Friday, 994.......