31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] 'Slit,—If I state my own experience briefly a point not pre- viously touched upon will be brought out.

About seven years ago I had an outside man who claimed this power. He showed me how it should be done and cut me a suitable twig. Privately and very much alone I walked over to some sunken water tanks holding about 3,000 gallons of water. When I reached the first tank the twig destroyed itself in my hands ; it tore itself to pieces because held too firmly to allow of free movement.

I played with this new toy for about a week trying out twigs from various bushes—hazel and white-thorn never failed to react. I had no occasion to test this again until two years ago.

" Water Divining " came up in tea table talk. I stated emphatically that it was quite all right because I could do it myself. There was thus no escape, I must show everyone bow it was done, but we all went and I cut a twig and marched with my keenly expectant audience to the water tanks. My power had completely gone, the twig never moved.—I am,