As An Exact And Impressive Account Of A Monk's Life
in the early Middle Ages Dr. Joan Evans's Monastic Life at Cluny, 9 10-1157 (Oxford University Press, 15s.) is well worth careful reading. To our easy-going generation the stern......
Professor Ferdinand Lot Of Paris Is Well Known As A
leading authority on the France of the Merovingians and Carlovingians. In The End of the Ancient World (Routledge, 21s.)—a new volume in the remarkable series entitled " The......
In The Wake Of Napoleon (lane, 18s.), Which Mr. Oakley
Williams has patiently and skilfully extracted from the memoirs of the Saxon General Ferdinand von Funek, is disappointing. Funck, who seems to have been an honest and......
A Monument To Owen Glendower Was Unveiled Last Month In
North Wales, and the ceremony, under Sir Alfred Davies as chairman, was largely attended by enthusiastic Welshmen. Here, then, is confirmation of Professor J. E. Lloyd's......
Yet Another Good Parish History Has Appeared In South...
by F. Brittain (Cambridge : Hefter, 10s. 6d.). The author is a Cambridge don, but he loves the quiet parish between Barnet and St. Albans, and has enlisted no less a person than......
Current Literature
Tag Newmarch lectures delivered by Dr. James Bonar in 1929 (Theories of Population from Raleigh to Arthur Young, by James Bonar, M.A., LL.D., Allen and Unwin, 10s. 6d.) are......
With Joseph Conrad's Mind And Method (faber And Faber, 10s.
6d.) Mr. R. L. Megroz supplies a long-felt want. In a work of unusual critical distinction, he analyses and describes the outlook and life of that remarkable writer. Mr.......
During The Past Month The Books Most In Demand At
The Times Book Club have been : During the past month the books most in demand at The Times Book Club have been : NoN-FICTION.—The Duke, by Philip Guedalla ; Charles II, by......