Insurance Share Outlook
CONSIDERING the general fall in Stock Exchange quota- tions, the decline in insurance shares is not surprising, but much of the weakness seems to have been due to mis-......
Reserve Releases.
When insurance accounts are made up, a proportion of the premiums is reserved as provision for claims subse- quently arising in eonnekion With the unexpired insur- ances carried......
Exchange Losses And Gains.
The bulk of the business of British insurance companies is obtained abroad, and fears have been expressed that the transfer of funds to this country will involve heavy exchange......
Banks And Their Buildings
Timis is not a political article, nor is it concerned with financial economy. It is, however, conceivable that the post-War architectural activity of the Big Five has......
Growth Of Banking System.
The present banking system of England is of very recent growth. Until 1862 the great majority of country banks were private concerns issuing their own notes, which were backed......
Income Tax And Net Interest.
Successive increases in income tax in the last year or two must depress the ratio, and it is the net rate of interest earned that counts. Can the decrease in net interest be......