31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 24

Finance—Public & Private

The Outlook

WumNG on the actual day of the election, the results of which will scarcely be made known in time for any material alteration in proof, it is rather rash, perhaps, to attempt to speak in any set terms with regard to the financial and investment outlook. In view, however, of the disasters which have befallen almost every section of the community during the two years of the late Socialist Administration, I am unable to bring myself to believe that the election can result in other than a victory for the National Party, though in what follows the reader will, perhaps, do well to keep in mind the fact that I am assuming not only a National victory, but a victory accompanied by a large majority. Were these expectations to be falsified,,I should find no difficulty at all in speaking in definite terms with regard to the outlook, for I firmly believe that such an event would quickly bring financial distress to every home, with a collapse in credit and securities. Can it, therefore, be urged that precisely the opposite effect, and in an equally rapid fashion, will be achieved if the National Party secure a victory ?