Algy Cluff
In the army and subsequently in business in Africa and the Far East I have been thrust into many aspects of life, and my curiosity has been especially awakened by the colo- nial era. The more I read of it the more I think it high time we ceased denigrating that era and its many resourceful charac- ters. The paintings I collect only really need to contain a palm tree or an elephant to qualify, but the artists I most admire are Thomas Bains, the Daniells and Chinnery. I started collecting British paintings for purely mercenary reasons, as I judged 15 years ago that the competent British and Irish artists such as Sickert, Orpen, Nichol- son and Lavery were ridiculously under- valued. However, I am now very fond of collecting them. My favourite is a portrait of a girl by Sir George Clausen. My favourite books have nothing to do with the above — they are anything by P.G. Wodehouse. Otherwise, two years ago I started, a herd of Highland cattle — mag- nificent animals. If you collect characters I recommend attending the Highland cattle sales in Oban.