31 OCTOBER 1987, page 37

The Depth Of His Potato Love

Anita Brookner MORE DIE OF HEARTBREAK by Saul Bellow The Alison Press/Secker & Warburg, f10.95 S aul Bellow is fiction's outstanding au- thority on what he himself has called......

The Fault Lies Not In Our Stars . . .

Francis King THE REMAKE by Clive James Cape, f10.95 T he hero of this novel, an Australian called Joel Court, is an astronomer whose television appearances have caused him to be......


It may be, as you say, Wise as the world is wise Not to be seen together. I can live with lies: But why, in dreams' dark secrecy, This flinching of your eyes? Ono no Komachi......


My image of myself Is of some lonely bay Where the sea-winds sigh among withered grasses. I have nothing to say Of my crane-like lover, that dot in the sky, As he dwindles away.......