Still Addicted
Sir: In is article entitled 'Urine trouble' (12 September) Michael Woodiwiss cites the case of a naval doctor whose urine tests were regularly 'positive for morphine' due to his......
Beastly Trade
Sir: During the recent financial 'crisis' a participant in the New York Stock Ex- change said, 'This place is motivated by two things, fear and greed.' This is self-evident in......
Good Indoctrination
Sir: I obviously misunderstood the state- ment quoted by Mr Mosley (Letters, 17 October) that in Nicaragua 'education is now indistinguishable from indoctri- nation'. I thought......
Letters Abortion's Canute
Sir: So The Spectator would emulate King Canute, by 'Turning abortion's tide' (24 • October). Mr David Steel's 1967 Abortion Act was not just a 'more liberal law'. It made......
Clerics And Critics
Sir: Gremlins interfered with my article last week (`Heir to the Ayatollah') so that it read that Mehdi Hashemi was the first critic to be executed since Khomeni came to power.......
A Plaque For Peel
Sir: As Sir Robert Peel's house in Whitehall Gardens was demolished (Di- ary, 3 October), surely the most appropri- ate location for a commemorative plaque is 16 Upper Grosvenor......
The Spegator
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