tistell Rufous. Several of the Cabinet Ministers met on Monday
at the residence of the Marquis of Lansdowne; and the Cabinet Council was held at the same place on Tuesday.
Lord Lansdowne is still confined to the house by gout.
Mr. Lynch has resigned his appointment as one of the Masters in Chan- cery, in consequence of ill health. The Times of Wednesday indicates Mr. Holroyd, one of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy, as the most pro- bable successor to the vacant office; but Lord John Russell stated, in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, that the appointment would be de- ferred for a time, pending the consideration of certain reforms.
Field-Marshal the Marquis of Anglesey and Field-Marshal Grosvenor received their batons on Saturday, from the hands of the Duke of Wel-
lington; Field-Marshal Sir George Nugent was prevented by the infirmi- ties of advanced age from attending the ceremony to receive his baton.
Lord Howden, the new Minister to the Court of Brazil, embarked on Saturday, on board the Rattler steamer, at Portsmouth. Commander Potbury, of the Avenger, is appointed to command the Growler steam-sloop, now under preparation at Deptford to convey Afri- can emigrants direct from the Kroo coast to Trinidad and Guiana. The Growler is fitted to accommodate about 300 passengers. She will pro- ceed first to Sierra Leone, where she will take on board an emigration- officer appointed to select emigrants of the proper description.
The statement that the Trieste route for the conveyance of the Indian snail had been abandoned by the British Government is contradicted. No conclusion, it is asserted, has yet been come to.
Arrangements are to be made by the Lord Chamberlain for throwing open to the public the completed buildings in the new Palace at Westmin- ster, on the days when the House of Lords happen not to sit.
Dr. Buckland, Dean of Westminster, has been elected a Trustee of the British Museum, in the room of the late Duke of Northumberland.
The obituary mentions the death of Lord Say and Sele; who expired on Wed- nesday, after a short illness. William Thomas Eardley Twistleton Fiennes was born in 1798; and succeeded to the title on the death of his father in 1844. He was a distinguished member of the Royal Thames Yacht Club. He never married; and the title and estates go to his uncle, the Reverend Frederick Twistleton, a Canon Residentiary of Hereford Cathedral.
Mr. O'Connell left Paris on Monday, for Orleans, on his way to Italy. His health is represented to have improved since his arrival in Paris. Dr. 011iffe and Dr. Chomel, who have been in attendance, pronounce him free from organic dis- ease, and give hopes of recovery. A.gossip in Galignani's Messenger says, " He is labouring under severe hypochondnasis and allows religious matters to press heavily upon his mind." Before his departure, Mr. O'Connell received a !depu- tation of Peers, Deputies, and Members of the 'Institute, eager to testify their ad- miration for his services in the cause of religious liberty. He also saw M. Berryer for a moment, and pressed his hand, just before his departure.
Prince Jules de Polignac, the Prime Minister of Charles the Tenth, whose un- fortunate administration produced the revolution of 1830, expired at St. Germaine, near Paris, on the night of the 29th March. He died of a gouty affection, from which he has suffered for the last two years. He had lived at St. Germaine for several years past, in retirement. The Prince's elder brother, the Duke de Polig- nac, died a few months ago; and the only brother now surviving is the Prince Melchior de Polignac, who was formerly Aide-de-camp to the Dauphin.
One of Napoleon's Generals, Count Drouot, died on the 24th of March, at Nancy, his native place. He was born in 1774; entered the service as a Lieute- nant in 1793; attracted the notice of the Emperor; and in 1808 obtained his first great appointment as Colonel of the Artillery of the Imperial Guard.
The Princess Alexandra of Saxe Altenberg leaves Altenberg in the course of this summer for St. Petersburg, there to be prepared for conversion to the rites of the Greek Roman Church, previously to her marriage with his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia.
The Heraldo publishes an extract from a letter from London, stating that the Carlists have not got a penny, and that even the Count de Montemolin lacks money for the payment of his personal expenses.
The Marquis Clanricarde has presented one of the sons of Mr. John Heraud with an appointment in the Secretary's department of the Post-office.
Miss Caroline Herschell, sister, and for a long time assistant, of the illustrious astronomer, celebrated the ninety-seventh anniversary of her birthday on the 16th of March, at Hanover. The King sent to compliment her; the Prince and Prin- cess Royalpaid her a visit; the latter presented her with a magnificent arm-chair, the back of which had been embroidered by her Royal Highness; and the Minister of Prussia, in the name of his Sovereign, remitted to her the gold medal awarded for the extension of the sciences. Miss Herschell is herself distinguished for as- tronomical researches, and particularly for the construction of a selenographical Flobe in relief of the surface of the moon. Notwithstanding her advanced age and infirmities, she still passes several hours every day in astronomical labours, and not unfrequently spends the whole night in her observatory.— Globe.
Lord John Scott, brother to the Duke of Bucclench, met with a severe accident while hunting, near Kelso, on Saturday: in taking a leap, his horse fell upon him, breaking the small bone of the leg and dislocating the ankle.
Mrs. Nisbett (Lady, Boothby) is about to return to the stage. Her reappear- ance at the Haymarket Theatre has been announced to take place after Easter.
It is stated that the breakwater which has been erected round the Great Britain in Dundrum Bay has answered its purpose admirably; the ship sustaining hardly any injury from the sea, though the waves at times sweep along the deck and break against the masts.
Mr. Thompson, the British Vice-Consul at St. 3falo, has contradicted the state- ment made in the Journal des Debate, that he had caused a disturbance in the corn-market at St. Melo, by offering more than the market-price for a quantity of flour. Mr. Thompson's explanation is, that instead of encouraging he resisted an attempt to make him, as an Englishman, pay the larger price of 35 francs when 80 francs was the market-value. He adds, that one of the persons who at. tempted to impose upon him has been arrested, and compelled to deliver the flour to him for 30 francs.
Wharton, a schoolmaster of Adelaide Crescent, Brighton, has been fined Si. by the Magistrates for cruelly and unnecessarily chastising a pupil.
Captain Finch, an elderly military man residing at Sheldon, has been charged before the Teignmouth Magistrates with playing the disgraceful character of "Spring-heeled Jack." During the winter, several women have been frightened and assaulted at night by an apparition dressed in a bull's hide, with a skull-cap, horns, and mask. In two cases, assault in this masquerading dress was proved against Captain Finch; and he was fined in both instances, with a suitable lec- ture from the Bench.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last--
Number of Winter deaths. average. tic (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases 121 .. . 183
, Cancer' and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 103 .... 112
saes of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses . . 171 ... 170
aeases or the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 348 .... 354
Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 31 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 84 .... 70 Diseases of the Kidneys, Sc 12 .... ft - Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, &c. 24 .... 11 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joint, &c. 7 .... 7 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc. . . .. 2 .
Old Age 57 51 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 65 .... 30
— — Total (including unspecified causes) 1029 1065
The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 89.0° in the sun to 20.2° in the shade; the mean temperature by day being warmer than the average mean temperature by 4.6°. The mean direction of the wind for the week was South- west.