Fine Arts.
SUFFOLK STREET EXHIBITION. The Society of British Artists, now incorporated by Royal charter, opened its exhibition on Monday. On the whole, the collection appears to us to be......
Military Gazette.
WAS-orerce, March 30.-Royal Regt. of Horse Guards-Lieut. Lord A. F. C. G.Len- nox to be Capt. by purchase, vice the Hon. C. H. Cost, who retires; Comet Lord 0. Fitzgerald to be......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, March 30. PARTIMESHIPS DISSOLVED. Aire and Calder, Bottle Company, London ' • as far as regards Whiterbottom-W. C. and J. Ealing, tentham, Norfolk-Hadley and Drake,......
On the 20th February, at Madras, the Lady of MajorG. A. Underwood, Superintend- ing Engineer, Presidency Division, Ma son. On. the 19th March, at Stockholm, the Wilt of George......
East India Shipping.
ARDIVED -At Gravesend, 26th March, W. S. Hamilton, Duggan, from Calcutta ; 28th, Marie, Laurie, from Mauritius ; 29th, Sea Gail, Langley, from Batavia; and Cressy, Monition,......