Debates Anb Flrottebings In Vartfantern. Sanatory Reform.
On Tuesday, Lord lifoitra-ra moved for leave to bring in a bill for im- proving the Health of Towns. He glanced at the progress of investigation on the subject of sanatory......
She Court.
THE Queen held the first drawingroom this season on Saturday last, at St. James's Palace. Before the drawingroom, according to annual cus- tom, her Majesty received a deputation......
Rbe Lattropoils.
The Marylebone Vestry had a meeting on Saturday. The subject 06. the deficiency in the poor-rates was brought forward by Mr. Daniell— Although the rate made in 1846, amounting......
Sig Girobinces.
The Bedfordshire election took place on Monday; and Lord Charles Russell was returned without opposition, in the room of the late Mr. Astell. In returning thanks to the......