3 APRIL 1847, Page 9

The Ministerial crisis at Madrid seems for the moment to

have received a solution. The first active step was taken by General Oraa, who re- tired on the plea of indisposition. The Times furnishes a list of the new Spanish Government—Pacheco, Foreign Affairs; Mazaredo, War; Bens- videa, Interior; Salamanca, Finance; Pastor Diaz, Justice; Sollero, Marine. " There is neither a- Minister of Commerce nor of Public Instruction named." Mazaredo is a friend to Narvaez.

Intelligence is said to have been received at the Spanish Embassy in Paris, on Wednesday and Thursday, respecting the Carlin movements on the frontiers of Spain. These reports, sent by the Spanish Consuls at Bayonne and Perpignan, concur in representing that a general insurrection was about to take place immediately; the rallying cry being " Charles VL and the Constitution!" Advices to a like effect were received from Na- varre, Catalonia, and Biscay; and, indeed, documents found at Toledo are said to indicate that the intended insurrection embraces nearly the whole of Spain.