THE King has done a big thing, and done it with chaise. teristio modesty and freedom from sensationalism. On Thursday there was published a letter addressed by his private secretary, Lord Stamfordham, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. "The King," says Lord Stamfordham, "feels that nothing but the most vigorous measures will success- fully cope with the grave situation now existing in our armament factories." The evidence " without doubt" points to the fact that our inability "to secure the output of war material indispensable to meet the requirements of our Army in the field" 4 largely due to drink. "The continuance of such a state of things must inevitably result in the pro- longation of the horrors and burdens of this terrible war." Then comes the King's practical and personal comment :— "I am to add that if it he deemed advisable the Ring will be prepared to set the example by giving up all alcoholic liquor him- self and issuing orders against its consumption in the Royal home- bold, so that no difference shall be made so far as His Majesty is concerned between the treatment of rich and poor in this question."