3 APRIL 1915, page 21

Makers Of New France,

Ma. DAWBATtri has given ns an interesting little collection of short biographies of contemporary, or all but contemporary, French men and women. The only fault we have to find......

The 'vanished Country Folk!

THIS is a charming collection of essays. The writer is, as he tells us, a parson, "an anti-Clerical Catholic "—that ie, we gather, a High Anglican with a hatred of......


THE TOLLHOIISE.f WE have read a good deal in the papers of the effect of the war on country districts, of the strange variations between apathetic indifference and patriotic......

The Study Of Religions.*

TSB book before us is of a very unusual type. Ostensibly it consists of considerations offered to the student of religions, and much of it was given in the form of lectures to......