The Late Lady Grant Duff. [to 16allorros W Sue .szscravos.")
BM—The announcement of the death of Lady Grant Duff, who had spent the years of her widowhood in a quiet Suffolk village, sends one hack with fresh interest to the early volumes......
The Officers' Families Fund. [to Vie Rona Ar Y....
Snt,—May I point out a method by which the whole nation could assist this fund, so eloquently advocated by Lady Lansdowne P Let the Government exempt from taxation the officers'......
Prolonging The War.
rro ens ED1Top or ma n 8.10rA7011.1 SIR, — One of the finest factories we have for the production of steel—at Glengarnook, in Ayrshire--has been idle now for month& There may be......
The Sale Of Drink To Wounded Soldiers. Ire Ran Emits.
as ras ”Elreeratos."1 Sts,—On March 20th you discussed the problem of how to deal with the terrible injury being done now to the nation by drink as regards the production of......
A Dialogue Of The Dead.
[To van Eorma or ram "Srscrovoa.1 Sra,—The puppets which converse in "A Dialogue of the Dead" (Coleridge and. Sara Coleridge) in your issue of March 20th are, no doubt,......
The Francs-tireurs V. The Landstutim. Lev Sus Emma Or Von
“SrearaTel....i Srit, — I am forwarding you a letter from H.R.H. the Due d*Aumale written to my aunt, Lady Waldegrave, in 1870. He had been over to Paris a month previously to......