3 APRIL 1915, Page 16

*D. L." If the Deputy-Lientenauts are to be of any

use, surely now is the time. So far those in the county in which I live have done nothing whatever as a body. Individual Deputies are doing good work in various capacities, but not as Deputy-Lieutenants, and I certainly think it is time the Privy Council gave us some occupation in these strenuous times. There is no room for "ornaments" to-day.—I am, [In Windham's Training Act (1806)—the Act enforcing Universal Service. which remained, however, on the statute book only a few months—Deputy-Lieutenants were given honorary commissions as Majors in the new regiments raised under the Act. Why not revive this plan P Let each Territorial unit have attached to it a Deputy-Lieutenant as the holder of an honorary commission, and let it be his duty to help the Colonel in such matters as county appeahr, especially as regards recruiting. In the same way, Deputy-Lieutenants should be detailed to help the new Volunteer unite. There is plenty of work for them to do if the Lieutenants of the counties would only net them to do it, and the Government would give them a military, or semi- military status.—En. Spectator.]