aPACT■701:9 8m,—May we call the attention of your readers to the thirteenth Vacation Term for Biblical Study which It is hoped to hold this year at Cambridge from July 24th to August 14th P The object of the term is to give to studenta of the Bible, who feel the need of more scientific and intelligent study, a special opportunity of becoming acquainted with the results of modern Biblical scholar- ship and of receiving systematic instruction on academic lines. The scheme is on a Christian basis, and lecturers aro invited without respect to their denomination. The idea running through the entire series of lectures this year is that of "The Redemption of the World through Suffering."
The inaugural addressa will be given by the Bishop of Ely, and the following courses of tour lectures each have been promised: First week—"The Now Testament Doctrine of the Foreruns," by Dr. Swats', Regina Professor of Divinity, Cambridge; and "The Historical Background of Isaiah r.L-Lxvi.,” by Dr. Whitehouse, Manhunt College, Cambridge. Second week—"The Religious Life of the Jewish Church after the Exile," by Canon Nairne, Professor of Hebrew, King's College, London; and "The Gospel of St. Luke," by the Rev. S. C. Carpenter, Selwyn College, Cambridge. Third week—"Isaiah xl..Lxvi.," by Dr. Oesterley, Jesus College, Cambridge ; and "Finite Experience and Suffering," by On. F. Rosamond Shields, M.A. (Philosophy), Warden of the Household and Social Science Department, King's College for Women, University of London. Single lectures have been promised by Professor van Hoonacker, the Rev. B. T. D. Smith, and the Rev. Wilfrid Moulton. Hebrew and Greek Testament readings will be held throughout the three weeks. The total cost
to students, including lecture tickets, will not exceed 43 5s. week.—We are, Sir, fee.,
Meer BENHOP (President of the Executive Committee). (Mi.) Emaserrit Levrime (Secretary).
25 IIaltfao Road, Cambridge.