3 APRIL 1915, Page 2

The submarine easily overhauled the ' Falaba,' and when the

captain saw that escape was impossible he ordered the boats to be lowered. His total company consisted of about two hundred and forty persons, of whom about one hundred and forty, were passengers. The commander of the submarine allowed a few minutes' grace for getting the boats away, but long before the passengers could be embarked a torpedo was fired. The first boat wan still, as a matter of fact, being lowered at the time. The Falaba' sank rapidly, and soon passengers and crew were struggling in the water. It seems almost too devilish for belief, but there is the independent evidence of several persons that the crew of the submarine, so far from making any attempt to save life, jeered at the drowning persona. Happily some steam drifters were near by and saved many lives. The captain of the • Falaba ' died almost immediately after being rescued.