3 APRIL 1915, Page 3

All Thursday's papers published a curious official com- munication to

the effect that the Intelligence Division of the Admiralty have obtained information that there ie an extensive conspiracy of German agents in this country to foment strikes in order to prevent the completion of war contracts. Paid agitators, who of course carefully conceal their true motives, mingle with the workmen in public-houses and suggest grievances and encourage them to strike, or at least to waste time. These agents are plentifully supplied with money, and deliberately" increase the gravity of the drink question." It is most important that this news should be widely spread, and that workmen who are approached, directly or indirectly, should be encouraged to report the matter at once to the police or other authorities. The fear of such reports will have a very salutary effect in damping the zeal of the conspirators. The offence is one of the gravest possible, and can be quite adequately dealt with under the Defence of the Realm Act.