The neutral writer who from time to time has communicated
to the Times his impressions of Germany during the war sent a very interesting article to Monday's paper. He says that opinion has greatly changed since his last visit to Germany. People do not now say " We shall win," but " We must win." The nation has become suspicious of Americans, and the writer heal d them called "masked Englishmen." Russia is no longer despised, and Sir John French is feared nearly as much as General Joffre. The French, curiously enough, are compara- tively popular. Germans believe now that they will have to cede Alsace-Lonatine in order to bring about a separate peace with France. Marshal von Hindenburg ie no longer a popular hero, and the Crown Prince's failures have brought Lim into discredit. The Emperor is once more the favourite of the people. The new British Armies are no longer ridiculed, but all Germans hope that industrial troubles in Britain will prolong the war till her allies can be bought off and the war can be prosecuted against Britain alone.