Israel and Dr Shahak
Sir: I feel that one of the most significant factors in the correspondence on Patrick Marnham's Israel article was Baroness Gait- skell's revelation that Dr Shahak's 'League for Human and Civil Rights' committee is communist-controlled. I had suspected as much, as the canards (and in such profusion) directed against Israel by Dr Shahak are so similar with those of Ma'at,pen, the official Israeli Marxist organisation.
And the reason why I feel all this ought
'Then why did the last bomb warning come over the internal phone?'
to be stressed is that too few are aware of just what communists in the western world —or in any part of the world that is not subservient to the Soviet Union—will do in order either to establish communism in their own countries or to make their society ripe for plucking by the Kremlin. That Dr Shahak could even stoop to defaming Judaism—and with his wild accusations exposed by Hyam Maccoby and Moshe Davis in your columns in recent weeks—is but one indication of the lengths that Soviet-orientated agitators and revolution- aries will go to in order to weaken their own countries preparatory for a communist or Russian take-over.
As I have said, this sort of communist conspiracy is taking place all over the free world, and with us in Great Britain also subjected to a highly organised and vocifer- ous communist and neo-communist cam- paign by those of its members in the media, the trade unions and the education services (in order to create disorder within our
society), and with such elements also (a) insisting that Russia wants peace, despite every evidence to the contrary, and (b) demanding that this country, together with the entire West, dismantles its defence forces.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his moment- ous Panorama programme warned us that the aim of the Soviet Union is to take over the Free World without, preferably, even firing a shot-4nd with the campaign of Dr Shahak and his colleagues in Israel (and their counterparts everywhere) meant to bring about just that. The ends justify the means still—unfortunately—continues to be the main precept of communists and their supporters and with them stooping to every bit of trickery and/or deceit in order to promote the aims of the only order and country they are really interested in, i.e. Commtinist Russia.
Paul Lever 65 Storey's Way, Cambridge