3 APRIL 1976, page 17

Mcmahon Correspondence

Sir: Pace Mr Lionel Bloch (Spectator, 6 March) those who 'with deep-seated feel- ings' believe that Britain's Palestine policy from 1917 to 1948 involved grave injustice to the......


Sir: The primary system, advocated by Mr Keith Raffan, is a cumbersome way of effecting by two operations what the single transferable vote accomplishes in one. Under either......

Bad Language

Sir: With regard to Mr Marc Attwood- Wood's complaint about the misuse of the word 'careening' there is at least one excel- lent modern literary precedent which sug- gests......

Sir: I Would Like To Comment On Mr Hyam Maccoby's

and Mr Jacob Gewirtz's letters (Spectator, 13 and 20 March), which attack Patrick Marnham for his article: 'is Israel racist ?' Mr Hyam Maccoby states that `Mr Marnham makes the......

Mr Peter Ratazzi Is A Member Of East Sussex County

Council, not East Essex County Council, as was erroneously stated under his letter last week.......