3 APRIL 1976, page 25

Noble Savage

Elspeth Huxley The Last of The Nuba Leni Riefenstahl (Collins £10.00) Nobody as sophisticated as Leni Riefen- stahl could really believe that in a province of Sudan there lies a......

Dear Mummy

Dee Wells Qoodbye Father Maureen Green (Rout- ledge and Kegan Paul £3.95) C ompulsive readers will read almost any- t hi ng, that is a hoary old truth. But even c ,_ ° MPulsion......

No Craft

Nigel Cross Lovecraft: a Biography L. Sprague de Camp (New English Library £5.75) H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), fantasy and science fiction writer, led a life so pathetic that it......

Books Wanted

WANTED: LIONS AND SHADOWS. Christopher Isherwood, hardback, Hogarth Press, 14 . Church Lane, Southampton. BRASSEY'S NAVAL ANNUAL, Volumes 1924-8 and 1931-39 inclusive. R.P.T.......