At a dinner given to Mr. ItObert Stephenson, iriNeweastle ' this
week, a letter from the Earl of Carlisle was read, stating that the Queen and Prince Albert would open the Berwick Railway on the 29th of August : they will set off from Castle Howard on that morning, and will sleep in Edinburgh.
The Queen has appointed Mr.'Philip Hardwickei architect, to be Trea- surer of the Royal Academy, in place of Sir Robert Smieke, resigned in consequence of continued indisposition.
Sir Charles Napier addressed a meeting of the Lambeth electors yester- day, at the Horns Tavern, Kennington Common introduced to them by Captain Macdougal. He expatiated on his exertions for retrenchment ; and inter alia declared himself against "the People's Charter," against se- paration of Church and State, and against the abolition of flogging in the Navy at present. After some adverse debate, and a scene of great confu- sion, the meeting resolved that Sir Charles was a fit person to represent the borough. The nomination-day will be Monday, and the election-day Tuesday.