Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FEIRKY AFTERNOON. The only point worthy of notice in the English Stock Market this week is the increased value of Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock as compared......
Noel Paton's Oberon And Titania.
In the exhibition of oil-paintings at Westminster Hall was the Reconci- liation of Oberon and Titania, by Noel Paton, a young Scotch artist of great promise : the......
The Marlborough House Gallery.
- The Vernon collection has ' with some other English pictures, been transferred from the basement of the gallery in Trafalgai Square to the ground floor of Marlborough [louse;.......
T4t Tr4rntrrs.
The word "last" begins to figure in the announcements of Her Ma- jesty's Theatre ; reminding us of the finality of all pleasant things. Tuesday gave us the "last" performance of......
The Opening Of The Olympic Theatre For "six Nights Only,"
that the London public may be recreated by a performance of John Marston's Malcontent, may be regarded as a theatrical nullity. The production of a number of neglected plays......
Topics Of The Day.
ROYAL ALLOWANCE& NOTHING can be weaker than to make a resolve yet to grudge the consequences and collaterals of the resolve. The English nation is firm in the resolve to have a......
Mademoiselle Rachel Having Vacated The St. James's...
most brilliant career, the stage is occupied by Mrs. Fanny A. Kemble - with Shaksperian readings. The readings are marked by an acute per- ception of character and a careful......