3 AUGUST 1850, Page 11



The only point worthy of notice in the English Stock Market this week is the increased value of Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock as compared with Three per Cent Consols and Three per Cent Reduced. The former has till recently ranged about 2 per cent higher than Consols, and about l per cent above Reduced Three per Cents. Since Monday, however, its comparative value has increased about I per cent. This is owing, doubtless, .to the pre- valence of the same feeling that was remarked at the beginning of the ' present year, when there was a general persuasion that the Govern-

ment- speedily propose some measure for the reduction of the Three per Cent Stocks. The Three-and-ti-quarter per Cents will become Three per Cents in 1864. The act of 1844, authorizing that reduction, contains a clause by which any further reduction of the Stock below Three per Cents is prevented till 1884. It is therefore clear, that in the contem- plation of any reduction of the other Three per Cent Sleeks, the Three-and- u-quarter per Cents will become proportionately of more value than any other description of that class of security. The fluctuations of the market have not exceeded per cent. With the exception of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents, almost every. description of stock has been brought to market : the closing quotations of this afternoon in Consols and Reduced Three per , Cents are consequently about 1 per cent lower than thew of last week, while those of the Three-and-a-quarter per Cents are h per cent higher. Money still continues as abundant as ever, and the rate of discount unchanged. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been unimportant. A fall of about per cent in -Mexican Stock was caused by intelligence of the delay in the constitution of the Congress at Mexico : this decline was not of long continuance, and the previous prices were soon reestablished : but the mar- ket became heavy both yesterday and today, on account of the feebleness of the English Funds; and the closing quotations of this afternoon are 291,i. The South American Stocks have been -without material change or extensive business. Portuguese Stock is rather firmer. The Northern European di- vidend-paying Stocks are firm at our last prices ; there being a fair demand for most of them in Holland Neither our own nor the Continental markets appear to be affected by the actual outbreak of war in Schleswig. There is no material change in Railway Shares, and markets may gene- rally be considered firm. North-western have improved about II. ; while Great Western are flatter. The publication of the South-western report, from which it appears that the tolls of the past half year are not quite suffi- cient to pay the proposed -dividend, and that 2,000/. will be taken from the surplus to make up the amount, has produced an unfavourable affect; the quotation, which was yesterday 60, has today fallen to 671, closing at 681.


The English Stock Market opened heavily, two or three sellers having made their appearance at the commencement of business. The price of Con- sols for Money, therefore, declined to 961 and for Account to 961; the mar- ket is, however, now rather firmer, the price both for Money and Account being 1361 I. There is no change or business of importance occurring in the Foreign Market. The Railway Shares are nearly at yesterday's quotations ; the following being the only bargains yet recorded—Eastern Counties Pre- ference, Ili ; Great Northern, 81; North-western Fifths, 13U; Midland, 34k; South-eastern, 13t. SATURDAY Two o'Cloca. The English Stock Market closes at the morning's prices. The fluctua- tions have been unimportant Among the transactions we may notice one in New Five per Cents at 1241. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been confined to the following—Chilian Three per Cents, 621; Danish POO -per Cents, 103k; Equador, n; Portuguese Four per Cents, 33; Russian Five per Cents, 1121 112; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 96 a 1 ; Dutch Four per Cents, 891 I. St. John del Rey Mining Shares, 14; United Mex- ican Ditto, 51 1 ; London Joint Stock Bank, 17 I ; London and Westminster Bank, 27/. The only change in Railway Shares is in North-western, which have im- proved upon the prevalence of a report that the dividend for the past half year will be 21 per cent, and that a handsome addition will besides be made to the existing balance. The following are the principal bargains recorded- -Caledonian, 71 ; Ditto New 101. Preference, 51; Eastern Counties, 61 a ; Ditto New Preference 6 per cent, 111; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 23 21 ; -Great Northern, 81 a ; Great Western, 581f ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 37; Ditto New Guaranteed 6 per cents, 12; London, Brighton, and South Coast '81; London and North-western, 1111 a 12; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 17 18; Ditto Fifths, 131 1 ; Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C., 21; Midland, 341 34 a ; Ditto 501. Shares, 101; North British, 51; South-eastern and Dover, 131 141; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 141 a ; York and North Midland, 16 151 16; Ditto Preference, 71 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 7 61; Central of France, (Orleans and Yierzon,) 141 ; East Indian, 71; Northern of France, 141; Orleans and Bordeaux, 31; Paris and Rouen, 241.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock 961 I 1

961 4 i

971 i I

99 Ii

81 5-16 210 212 ' Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1816 Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 78 80 57 1 89 1 29/ 30 821 / 321 331 Exchequer Bills 66 70 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 . 86 88 India Stock 268 70 ' Russian 5 per Cents 111 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3 Spanish (Active.) 5 per Cents. 171 I

Belgian 41 per Cents

90 2

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

37 1 I Cbilian Slier Cents 101 3 Venezuela 34 6 Danistri per Cents 102 4