3 AUGUST 1850, page 2

News Of The Week.

TICE joint effect of Lord John Russell's drawing back his Jew Bill for the session and of Baron Lionel de Rothschild's coming for- ward to claim his seat, has been, to plunge......

Ont Of Doors, The Most Stirring Event Has Been The

Ma o' 'tion. The choice of candidates lay between Mr. Onseley a gentleman unknown to English politicians, and Mr. 'Isaac Butt, a liberal Conservative barrister, of fanciful but......

The Skirmish Between The Danes And Schleswig-holsteiners,...

week, has been followed by a pitched battle, very ardly fought, and leaving the victory with the Danes. Both sides behaved with the greatest gallantry; the generalship does not......

Ilrhatto Filth Rurnbiug Invartiamtut.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Howe Or Loans. Monday, July 29. Royal Assent to Thirty-six Bills. Tuesday, July 30. Disputes between English and French Mid-Channel Fisher- men.......