Ont of doors, the most stirring event has been the
Ma o' 'tion. The choice of candidates lay between Mr. Onseley
a gentleman unknown to English politicians, and Mr. 'Isaac Butt, a liberal Conservative barrister, of fanciful but expanded views, -who would be an ornamental addition to the number , of Irish /Members. The priests, however, supported' Mr. Higgins; andas Mayo, for all its population of nearly.400,000 souls, has a consti- tuency reduced by the destructive influences of Ireland to 233, the -affair was easily managed. It used:- to be said that O'Connell's election for Clare was carried by the priests : it was carried by the priests—and—we forget how many thousand pounds. But -with a constituency brought into so shootable a compass as the electoral class of 'Mayo, the mere decree from the altar is likely tO be im-