The skirmish between the Danes and Schleswig-Holsteiners, re- d last
week, has been followed by a pitched battle, very ardly fought, and leaving the victory with the Danes. Both sides behaved with the greatest gallantry; the generalship does not appear to have been very unequal; the loss on both sides was very severe ; but there 'was one difference between the two armies, like that between the soldiers of Caesar and Pompey—the Danes were veterans, their antagonists in great part young recruits. The immediate effect of the victory is, to drive the Schleswig-Holstein army completely into the German province, apparently recovering Schleswig to Denmark : but the'Danes are-concentrated amidst a hostile population ; and the other side, expecting reinforcements from Germany, is likely to turn aggressive. Now- the resources of Denmark are much the more limited, and will be much the sooner exhansted,—unless she call for the intervention of allies.
Again therefore, the Palmerstonic policy threatens a spreading war. Indeed, the journal which has recently distinguished itself as the special representative of the Foreign Office would not leave the sequel to chance, but would at once enforce the London proto- col of peace by means of a war of intervention.
"Certain powers have mediated an arrangement of the dispute between the Crown of Denmark and its insurgent subjects ; and, according to all prece- dent in such cases, these powers, we think, are bound to see that their own Work be completed." "A just and necessary war—or an armed intervention that shall wear the appearance of one—is the true preservative of peace : arma pacts fulcra."
"Certain powers" can always " mediate an arrangement" to coerce any foreign people, if a mere agreement between more than one power is to justify. attack ; but if justice is to determine the direction of the attack, why did not England mediate an arrange- ment with some ally to -vindicate Hungary against her insurgent King the Emperor of Austria ? But simple " justice " aoes not commana Lord Palmerston's adhesion : indeed, the English people does not know what does command his firm faith, nor can it be discovered from his actions.