3 AUGUST 1850, Page 11

The protocol with reference to the affairs of Denmark, which

had been virtually agreed upon and initialled on the 4th July,„ was de6e.itively signed last evening at the Foreign Office, with such modifications-as-the altered state of circumstances required, by the Plenipotentiaries of France, Russia, Great Britain, Denmark, and Sweden. The Austrian- Charge d'Affaires did not sign this act, which remains open for the adoption of his Government The Prussian Minister absented himself on this as on the former occasion ; but the construction which he put upon this declaration of the other great Powers has not altered or retarded this important ex- pression of their concurrent opinion.—Times, August 3.

The full despatches from the Danish army concerning the battle of Idstedt have been received from Copenhagen. They state that the Danes took 1,000 prisoners in action, and found 2,000 wounded in the Schleswig hospitals ; and that a vast number of the dead were left on the field. Their own loss was heavy; twelve distinguished officers killed, including General Von Schleppegrell, and Colonels Von Tropka and Von Lessee— the last said to be the Commander-in-chief s right-hand ; seventy-three officers wounded ; 104 non-commissioned officers and privates killed, and 2,300 wounded. "Notwithstanding this, however, our army is not the less perfectly complete for operations."

An "Eye-witness," writing from Tarnow, on the 23d July, says "Cra- cow, the heart of Poland, is in ashes."

"On the 18th, at mid-day, the fire broke out, almost simultaneously, at five different points in the city. Of the Episcopal *Palace, of the two finest churches, the Dominican and the Franciscan, the memory alone remains. The fire-engines of the city, twelve in number, were taken possession ot, and conveyed to the citadel ; and it was only late on the second day of the con- flagration that the Government authorities could be prevailed upon to give them up, in order to render assistance to the burning city. Of the veracity of this fact I am prepared solemnly to depose on oath."