The.v.antseat for Lambeth, it is expected, will be hotly contested., Five-gentlemen. hare published addresses, and two others. are"mentions- ed." Of the' first class are Mr.: W. Williams, . well known in former Parliaments as -the retrenchment Member for Coventry; Mr. J. Made. Palmer, who goes-for a-registered universal suffrage the-ballet, trienniat Parliaments, &b. - Mr: C. Piuton. Cooper, Queen's counsel ; Mr.. Aldero man Sidomans ; and Adilairal Sir Charles Napier..
The other gentlemen "mentioned"" are Mr. Benjamin Thiwes, who. would naturally exchange Kintede for his first Parliamentary. spouse; sad. Mr. Edward Mialir who stood against Sir Willlam Molesworth:for South- wark. Mr. Salomans has already withdrawn, in deference to the HOusesof; Conamonsoit at moment, when it has involved itself in, a. net of. intricate judicial proceedings respecting the representationof London; and fermis; desire to, avoid any,semblanee of applying pressure-from without..
The Ministerialoliiiner given by the Whig Company of Fishmcmgers,-. on, Thursday, had less of oratorical éclat or political interest . this year. than has been usuaL The leading members of the Cabinet were ahsentr "owing to a. mistake " ; and the geriial. eloquence of. the Earl of Carlisle. had only the, eccentric oratory- .0f, Lord. Brougham for its contrast: In the speech. ascribed to. the latter, we find the following sentences. "Whether it has come to pass that you are-better than. -in, former yeanse- ILS good as you were M.1820—I know not; butI.care a great deal. I hope you are better—I,hope that you are how asi remember you in 1820. Now, I pot this case to .yom If you_now applaud what lam going to say, you svilLbe, as. in 1820; if -not, you are corrupted with Court influence. I was made a Filth= monger in 1820—I glory in the reason why I was made one. Don't be ashamed. of your good. deeds ;,,don't look back with shame upon the brightest period of your history.; be not courtiers because your friends are in office ; don't be ahhemed.of what you didin favour of anoppressedQueen against an aggres- sive King and his missions of Ministers All, I see ; you are far from having the same feeling you had in 182(1 ((7reat laughter.) Honours-cor- rupt manners—thatis unsold proverb ; being in power is a dangerous thing, to public virtue."
Mr. Page Wood and Baron Rothschild were among, the toasted guests; the latter having been, lately elected a member of the Company's Court of Assistants.
The Canterbury Association gave a "farewell breakfast," at Black- well, on. Tuesday -afternoon; to the first body of colonists now preparing, to emigrate to their settlement in New Zeeland. It was held on board, the ship Randolph, one of 'the four noble ships which constitute the Can- terbury squadron now lying the East India Docks. Remarkable and admirable arreomementewere made : the Randolph was so completely cleared out between-deck; that :a party of considerably more than-three hundred guests were conveniently entertained. The ships were deco- rated with all the gay paraphernalia of flags, Bro., usual on such occa- sions; and the band of the Coldstream Guards, on the upper deck, dia- coursed most eloquent music. The fête was graced by the presence of very distinguished company : Lord Lytteltondid the honours oiliest ; the Bishop of Norwich said grace ; Lord and Lady Wharneliffe, Lord Nelson and Lady Susan Nelson; the Countess Grey—lady of the Colonial Minister; the Marchidness of Drogheda, Miss Burdett Coutts, Lady. Shelley; Lady Caroline Stirling, with-many other notabilities, were present. Besides the noble Chairman, the Bishop of Norwich, Lord Wharneliffe, Lord Nelson Lord John Manners, the Reverend Mr. Sewell of Oxford, and Mr. john Simeon, addressed the assemblage. The speeches were earnest and. in- teresting--peculiarly characterized in tone by one of the inspiring motives of the Canterbury scheme of colonization, the motive of transplanting entire to the Antipodes -a section of English society loyal, to the °TGWU and faithful to-the Church.
At Marlborough Street Police, on Thursday, William James, a shabby- looking man., was charged with having written a letter containing threats against the bfe of Lord John Russell.. The letter purported to be written at the instance of three menaostheir accomplice in an intended murder of: the Premier by firing at bins; certain " swells " at the Reform Club to pay-126k to each assassin. This impudent imposition-James pretended to have picked up in Piccadilly, where he showed it to a Policeman. !there seems to be no doubt that the prisoner wrote the precious epistle himself.. He had- been recently in Chelsea Workhouse.—Remanded..
At Guildhall Police Office, on Saturday, Mr. Fry, a solicitor, applied:Sol a. summons against.Mr. Peas-gas O'Connor M.P. to show cause why he -de-
.tained.501. from Mrs. Watson.. Mr. Fry made a . long statement, and read
divers letters. It teems that ohlr.. Watson MUM subsoriber to the Nhtional Land Scheme ; he was one of the "fortunate' allottees ; but, he never, got possession, of land, house, or money ; but finally an offer of 50l., was, made to him, to be-paid at a future time. In ths interval, Mr. Watson. died,. be- queathing his claim to his sister. When she apphed.for the money, a. acre allotment was offered to her—a lady of ninety—if she liked to.take the "farm." She declined- Then Mr. O'Connor sent her m.note promising,to pay 5W. in six months from.the.19th of July, An interview with that gene tleman ended in his telling Mrs. Watson:she had better apply to a solicitor. Mr. Fry:wrote-several times to Mr.. O'Connell but got no answer- Now he applied for a summons. Alderman. Challis said-he could not grant it, as the sum claimed was-beyond-his jurisdiction.
William Rourke; an Irishman, is-in-custody on a charge of-complicity-sing murder committed.at Bruff: both° county of Limerick, three years ago. Re
was arrested wlide- worldng in-Fenchurch Street., a search having been. afoot for a long dine. He has, been, remanded from Guildhall Police Office, that information may. be ob!ained from Ireland.
At Marlborough Street Police Office, on-Wednesday, Mr. John W. Eihvards, a surgeon in St. Martin's Lane, was charged with using an instrument to
procure abortion. The chief witness against him-was a married servant: side- wquent to his treatment, she was delivered of a dead child four or five months old. Edwards-had told the woman that he was patninized.by many ladies in theligher classes. He denies, the charge-; and is remanded, but with. baiL.
Mr. Green having announced that-he-would- ascend With his balloon-on horseback. from Vauxhall Gardens; air attempt was made at LambethFolice
Office, on Tuesday; to prevent the-exhibition. Mr: Thomas,- the Secretary to -the Society- for the Pitvention of Cruelty to. Anirhals, . applied for- the Magistrate's niterferene,e, on- the score that cruelty would. be intlieteden- the horse-: at a.recent explcirt .of the kind in.Paris, blood flowed from the- anie mars mouth and nose. Mr. Green and.other persons attended from the-Gar-.. dens. The aeronaut explained, that the horse would not be- suspended-by ham* but would stand on-a platform ; Mr. Green's weight would not rest on the animal ; the ascent would not be so high. as to-hurt the equine per- former. The platform -had been brought to the court,. and. Mr: Norton in.- specteelle He suggested, for Mr. Green's sake, that a wooden horse-be em- ployed; but the aeronaut said he was not afraid. Tho Magistrate did. not thank it nmessary tointerfere to stop the ascent.
When the "'terse!' appeared at the Gardenseit turned,out to.lee a very die minutive pony, not larger. tban..a.Neinfoundland dog. This pewerful steed was most carefully shaelded and.hoined to &he ear; it appearecevery frightened-. Mx. Green waesuspended over the pony, ,hia,waight seating on divers bal- last-bags. The balloon ascended in the presence of a vast concourse,of people.