• Vrtiiarts.
It is now generally-undorstood that Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton,, Bane- ziels is to behroughtforward at the-next election for the Oity of Lincoln, the Protect-am:net-interest, with Colonel. Sibthorp. There is hut little doubt but that-the honourable Baronet will meet with that success which will insure his return. The citizen candidate, Mr. C. Seeley,- has stated his intention- of again offering, himself ; but matters have changed since Mr. Seeley was returned for the city. The regestrationes closely attended to on the part of Sir Edward Bulw.er. Lytton and Colonel Sibthorp. — _Lincolnshire Claroniek.
cumed the tame of the court nearly five very long days. It was an Issue di- ceeded. He bought, however, some sugar of lead, stating it was to cure reel:eel by-the Court of Chancery- to try-the validity of a will made in.1818, his mother's bad leg : but he had no mother. He subsequently bought : - under-circumstances of imputed:fraud; during the- insanity of the testator. arsenic ; and a woman with. whom he was in concert, and who was believed to be his wife, was proved to have gone into a shop and obtained sixty drop& - Mr. Thomas Bainbrigge was a gentleman-of ancient family, and. large .are.
in se state of- dying. stupore, Mr. Blair himself took advantages under Mr. Justice Williams—" Upon what ground ? "
relatives in 1818. On- the other hand, respectable clerks, who were in Mr. The Judge briefly passed sentence of death, and besought the prisons:x.4, Illair's employment when he drew the-will, swear tim having written, the. implore mercy of God—" there is nahope for ,you here," "in a very short °Anna. document, and to the identity of the original.with the one now in tiniusiour life must be forfeitedon theseaffolde The prisoner-waseuunoved Doctors' Commons. Much of the tissue.of suspicious facts receiveksimilar. , while sentence was peeled : when-the-Judge finished,he said—PI have some?. negation, or received explanation which-Lord Campbell,_ the-Judge, thought., thing to say" ; but he was immediately removed by the-officers?! Goodwood Races -were- specially successful -this year. On the grand day; Thursday, the " card of sport was a bumper " ; the weather very fasrourable, and the attendance very large. The accounts give up the attempt to enumerate-fashionable persons, on-account of their bewildering numerousness.
The chiefsvent, the raoe-for the Goodwood-Cup; gave a 'success to Lord Stanley ; Canezou (F. Butler) for the second time winning that prize : this time against-Cariboo (Chmeton), Cossack. (Templeman), and five others. The Racing Stakes were lost by. the .winner of them.through a technical "foul." All the running was made by Lord H. Lennox's William the Conqueror (Platman), who. ran, in first bra head. before Mr. H. Hill's Pitsford (A. Day): but Pitsford's jockey elaimed. the prize, because the winner swerved againstshim twice, preventang hiniefroma fair running chance., LordEghn- tau and Mr. Shelleyleurd evidenee, and placed the winning hoarse among the list of the " distanced" : so Pitsford gained the stakes.
At Stafford Assizes, the trial of a cause, Bainbrigge versus Bainbrigge, oc-
cestra.1 estatee. in Derbyshire, Wax.wieleshiree and Staffordshire. An early of croton oil and some ounces of linseed oil. The old man became 111-, and. disappointment to his affections soured his temper, and-drove him, on the took to his bed. The prisoner, with great kindnessa and solicitude, went to death. of his father, in 1798, to live a very secluded' life at. one of his seats a neighbouring surgeon, and begged him. to come and see him. That gentle- on the borders of Sherwood Forest: he was a man of-great intellectual ca- man would not come at once ; but, on inquiring what was the matter, was peaty and-accomplishments, of refined Mete and polished mannere, but-of told that the old man was suffering from cold and diarrhcea, and accordingly 'very eccentric conduct. An. illicit connexion with, his housekeeper- brought sent him-some eolocynth and aromatio confection pills; and on visiting him him a daughter, to whom he became much attached : his housekeeper proved the next day, found him complaining of a cough, debility, and swelling of the faithless, and she was banished; but the cliild was educated in a costly lees. He did not think the old man would recover, and was not surprised' manner, and as she grew up was introduced in society., and well re- when he heard of his death; and whenthe prisoner asked him for a.certill-. calved; as his own daughter. At her age of thirteen he made a will, cats of the cause of death, did not suspect-foul play. On the 9th of February candling his, estates on her and her issue ; . but at sixteen she went a neighbour was summoned to the bedside of the deceased ; he found him eetney with the. coachman, to hersfather's excessive but net uneeket. ' dead, but with- a pen in his hand, and the-deed of gift before him. The next. mg indignation. A child was born in 1803, in her father'e house; received Xs), the prisoner went to take possession of the property; but the persons who . the name of . Marianne, and soon secared,his eccentric affections. But two I had the custody of it refused to give it up ; and, in consequence -of suspicions years after,- hisedaughte-r made a second fauxepas ; became pregnant by A.r- I created by the haste of the prisoner -to get the property, the body was ex-. litild,a young farmer, eloped with him,. ad married him.: Arnold's /:her ' humed, on the 25th of February : the stomachand. bowels were analyzed, and. wateone ef Bainbsigge's tenants, and there was.aninveterate quarrel between ' found to contain from eight to ten grains of arsenic. An inquest was held, them on the. subject of g,ame. He . could have borne her marriage with the at which the prisoner was voluntarily present ; he was then taken into cus- ceachnian, but the insult of eloping. with the fanner's son. irrevocably in- 1 tody, and made a long statement before the magistrate, on- which the case cased bine, He made a fresh will, in which he cut off Mrs. Arnoldwithout , mainly turned. -A-eemaing m this statement) his wife-Prevailed n.Pen him to a ebilline, and resettled all his,estates, on her first daughter, Marianne,. who allow the old man to live with them, sag-that he had told.her tney.shoulds was -brought up under hieroof. This was in.1812. In 1815, being fond, of have his property if they-kept him while he lived. His wife then-added. horse-raeing, he went to live in Derby, where he owned some ,streets of that the mother of the deeeased had lived to the age of-a. hundred and . houses: at the races he was thrown .off hie horse, and suffered so much that, few-Years' [His brother had lived to nearly ninety-nime The prisoner - after a tedious recovery,. his eeeentrioity, was seen to. have become almost answered, " If he lives so long we shall be troubled all our lives." Blum re- . madness.- From, having been.a.maneef elegant ex-tenor,. with a most precise Pli4 `• If he. comes to us he will not trouble. us long." After -the. old aa well as sumptuoua household, he became neglectful of his person even to file man had lived with. them some time he said he should leave them, awl take, thluese, and Ins household arrangements. became revolutionized. The carriage, his property ; which much vexed hi 's (the prisoner's) wife. She often used. in which he drove out.was covered with the.diet of fowls. that roosted iu it ; his threats against him. She gave him some coffee, and would not let the prise. driver. WaS • a labourer, in a smock, immediately from the farm-yard meddling_ soner drink it. The deceased was taken very ill the next day.. The premier heap; he carriee home the earease of. an ox.on the roof of his carriage ; pigeons went to a doctor, and told. him the deceased was suffering from a cold,andl gained.access to. his library; and. built among costly books—" a. capital place diarrho3a. The doctor sent some pills; one of which the deceased attempted, fer theme! said he • and a horse that offended- him he tried, convicted, and to swallow, but could not. The wife took the remainder and niixed somer -sentenced_ to- transpOrtation, but, by commutation of the punishment, kept it drugs with- them,.and made him take them. Before that, she had sent the- in to Ashbourne to buy some drugs. She told him to procure .. he selitary dark confinement seven years. His granddaughter hiarianne,was P taught the most depraved language and obscene conduct,. and encouraged b with which she might kill rats and mice, and also to bring laudanum, o him to exhibit this in public—her notoneties givin,ghine great delight, an which she would give seine to the old man to lull his pain. The next morn-. eliciting the remark that she was a "chip of the old block." Nevertheless, dur- ing she gave the deceased some coffee, and beckoned the prisoner out of the,.. hig.the height of this extravagant and almost =melee], conduce it was peeved house, and told him he must never never drink what was intended for the by his brother magistrates that he was a keen and sagacious magistrate, and old elan. He asked why; and.she said she had put arsenic in his coffee mee, to all appearance, in their society, no more than an,extravagantly eccentric biscuits, After that time, however, coffee and biscuits were still given to entleman. On the 15th June 1$18, after an excessive bout of brandy_ the deceased. His wife subsequently told hi,u to get sugar of leak as it , , to which he was addicted, Mi. Bainbrigge lay on his deathbed. I would.do the old man good if given him to drink. He bought sixpenny,- On Wednesday, his solicitor, Mt. Blair of -tettexeter, a man-of high profes- worth, and gave it to his wife. She continually gave it to the old man.. sional standing and character, was sent for to make his will. He drew a After the old man's death he saw his wife burning papers; and he emptied.. testament .which gave-the reversion of the estates to persons against whom and threw away a bottle in the garden, according, to her directions. Pea up to that time the testator bore unmitigated. aversion ; namely—aften the wife on hearing that an inquest was to be held, left him, and. afterwardie, death of his granddaughter Marianne and her issue--to- the- sous of his told him to go to Ireland, and say nothing about it. She told,bini to dial,. daughter Mrs. Arnold by her husband Mr. Arnold. All former wills had guise himself. He went as far as. Manchester, but then returned to his given the reversion-to-his nephew, Mr. T. B. Bainbrigge, the next heir at wife. She still persuaded him to go. Neither -she. nor, her father would law. The circumstances under- which this will was diawn were the chief let him into his house. He went to the inquest, but was not called. When.. matter or contest. It may be menticuiedlexe,ebat.Marienne, Ince her me- taken into custody he did not like for a long. time to charge his.wifeeme tiler, eloped at sixteen, arid had, two children ; but she and her children she was so near her confinement. In statements made to policemen, toot he, passed ofr the scene, and her line became extinct. It was declared by some confessed buying the arsenic, and charged his wife as. the guiltier party.
of the attesting witnesses, that the testator was never conscious from the day- The Jury were some hours considering their verdict. Their firstelelivery. he took to his W. on Monday the 15th June, till his- death on the next Se- - was—" We find him guilty as accessory before the fact, and recommeude tinday ; and that Mr.- Blair guided -his hend to sign the-will, when he was him to mercy." .
the will, he seized those advantages after the death with unseemly The Foreman, of the Jury replied, that they considered there was, soma! romptness ; and the testator's relations were kept from seeing the conspiracy with the wife - the. wife getting the poison- with the husbands, ueceased during-the whole of his last illness. After the death, when the will assistance, and adminiatenngit with his knowledge. Iles 'Lordship. directed.; was read over, the .youngest brother of the deceased, then Captain. now Mae. them that. they must find Wm guilty of murder- if -they thought he come.. jar-General Bainbngge, saw the.oeiginelfull. of blanks and pencil interlineae • Belled or. advised the giving. of poison. A mere consciosesuess-of the admire lions: when after years of foreign service he came home and went to Doctors'. n'stration otpoison would not do; but if he took apart in. inciting to the inhale , Cemmons, he found .the. original wilLscedifferent a-document in appeaxanee,_ nistration of poison, then they must finillem guilty. At abuut. one o'clock:, that he believes it to be one substituted-for that which:was read over. to the. on_ Saturday morning, the Jury came:into court-with a verdict of." Guilty."
sufficient. Lord Campbell'a.summing up was on the whole favourable to the good faith of Mr. Bluer, and to the validity of the will: but the Jury, after twenty minutes consideration, found a verdict for the plaintiff; implying_ their rejection of the will.
William Chadwick, potter, was tried at Stafford, on Fridayefor the murder of Samuel Tunnicliffe, at Bloore, by aiding and abettingen the administra- tion of poison to him on many days before the 9th of February, when he died. The case made much local excitement, and it is generally interesting "as affording a proof of the scientific manner in which plain and apparently ignorant people now poison each other in these parts," the Pottery districts. "The poison was administered in such minute doses, and in such proportions of croton oil and arsenic alternately, as to produce symptoms. which led a country medical practitioner, who was called in by the prssoner and his wif to pronounce that the cleansed was suffering from debility and old age, an to prescribe accordingly, and to certify afterwards that these were the causes of death. Indeed, it was said that the prisoner and his abettors must have acted according to the formula of some medical handbook in carrying out, their horrid scheme." The prisoner was six feet six inches tall, "and his hand," says the circuit reporter, "was the largest we ever saw." "His ap- pearance was sluggish, but not forbidding or repulsive ; indeed, that of an. inoffensive, heavy man. Throughout the trial, which lusted twelve hours,, he mainfained perfect self-possession, and seemed the most unconcerned per- son in court: but he was overpowered by the fueling of suspense when the Jury had beenout for some hours deliberating, on his fate, and he fainted, twice in the dock."
Chadwick, the prisoner, married in April 1848 the grand-niece of TWI- nicliffe, the deceased ; who was a hale old man of seventy, living at Bullerton, and possessed of some little freehold and other property. It) January they , persuaded Tunnicliffe to go to Brinscombe, to live with them. He went on the 10th of January, taking a cow and some other property with him, but leaving the key of his house to an old friend named John Byrne, and begging Byrne on no account to give up the key to any one till he himself should ask for it; and leaving some more of his property in the hands of a Mr. Ramble- ton. The fidelity of these parties to their trust seems to have been the means of bringing the transaction to light. Two days after the old man's removal to Brinscombe, the prisoner called on an attorney at Ashbourne, and employed him to prepare a deed of ft of the old man's property in favour endeavouring to purchase arsenic. It did not c early appear that he sue, - of }urn and his wife ; on the 24th of January, the risoner was in Ashbourne,
At Stafford Assizes, last week, fifteen persons were tried for riot at a Pro- tectionist meeting in Stafford in January last. When a number of shoemakers and other inhabitants of Stafford entered the Town-hall by the front-door, they found that the place was packed with agriculturalists who had been slily admitted by aback-entrance. Squabbling and fighting between the adverse parties succeeded. The Police entered, and ejected the Stafford men, beating them with their staVes, and locking them out of the hail: the farmers, who had been equally uproarious, were not interfered with. Exasperated by this gross parity, the Stafford men assailed the windows of the hall, throwing stones and lumps of ice ; the Police declared that the meeting must dissolve, or they could not answer for the peace of the town ; and when the leading men left the hall, the mob violently assailed them with a shower of stones, lumps of ice, and pieces of brick. In summing up, Lord Campbell severely censured the Police. The Jury quickly gave a verdict of acquittal.
At Norwich Assizes, on Wednesday, Timothy Burch was tried for firing a wheat-stack. The case was atrocious. One night, when intoxicated, Burch met a man who was supposed to have had experience.as a transport; the prisoner asked him how convicts fared; the other gave him so good an ac- count of their treatment that Burch grew ambitious to be transported. He said he had already committed arson, and that night he would fire every farm he passed on his way home. Seven fires occurred that night on Burch 's homeward route, and there could be little doubt that he caused them all. He was convicted. In passing sentence of transportation for life, the Judge told the culprit that he should find his coveted punishment a very different thing from what he had hoped.
At Durham Assizes, last week, Alexander Magner was tried for a burglary at Bishopwearmouth. During the night of the 7th February, the shop of Mr. Mitchell, a watchmaker and jeweller, was ransacked, and a very large amount of property was carried off. The thieves were not traced, but a munber of investigations took place before the Magistrates. lilt. Mitchell couldproduce no invoices nor regular account-books, and the Police did not perceive marks of a forcible entry into his shop ; the consequence was, that an impression was produced that there had been no robbery at all—that the jeweller had robbed himself, with an improper motive. Some months after, a number of the stolen watches were found in the possession of Magner, who was living at Hull. In the course of the trial, Mr. Mitchell showed that he really had not been in the habit of keeping accounts; he had been twenty
years n business, and had succeeded his father : many of the watches stolen had been left to be repaired, and he had to make their losses good to the owners; so that he could have no motive for robbing himself. The counsel for the defence stuck to the insinuation of a mock robbery, and urged that means had been used to get the watches into the hands of Magnet and thus clear the prosecutor at that man's expense. The Jury found the prisoner guilty of' receiving the goods knowing them to be stolen." In passing sentence, Mr. Justice Wightman felt bound to state that he had come to the conclusion that Mr. Mitchell had really been robbed as he alleged. Magner was sentenced to be transported for seven years. The convict swooned.
At Maidstone Assizes, on Wednesday, George Dadson was tried for shoot- ing at William Walters with intent to maim him or do him grievous bodily harm. Dadson was a gamekeeper; while on the watch, he saw Walters and another man in his master's plantation ; he suspected them of stealing poles; when he tried to seize them they fled ; and in the excitement of the mo- ment he fired at them wounding Walters in the back. No sooner was the mischief done than the keeper repented it. There was no question as to the facts ; but did the supposed unlawful purpose in which Walters, a bad cha- racter, was engaged, justify, as in a case of burglary, the firing at the man ? The Judge thought not. The verdict was "Guilty," with a recommenda- tion to mercy. Judgment was deferred, that the Judge might consult with a brother Judge.
The Wakefield Magistrates have ordered the Reverend William Parsons, senior priest of the Roman Catholic church at Sheffield, to pay 28. a week for the support of a child affiliated upon him by Elizabeth Summers, a girl who had lived with him as servant. Mr. Parsons had paid 301. to the girl's father in the endeavour to keep the matter secret. A previous investigation by his spiritual superiors had exonerated the priest from the charge of im- morality.
James Hill, a person of gentlemanly exterior, was arrested at Birming- ham on Monday, charged with forgeries on the Austrian Bank to the extent of 15,0001. The notes were found in his possession ; they had been printed at Birmingham.
John Bates, ahoy of ten, living at Nottingham, has been suspected of drowning his infant brother. He was sent out with the child ; returned without it ; and told varying tales. The body was found in the river Leen. The boy has sometimes been " strange " in his way. The evidence appeared to be so vague, that the Coroner's Jury gave a verdict merely describing the finding of the body.
A sad disaster has resulted from a squabble between English and Irish la- bourers at Sunk Island. The Commissioners of Woods and Forests have a number of navigators employed there in embanking the river-side, so as to reclaim 700 acres of land. One night, an Irishman assailed two English- men with a sickle. This provoked the English workmen to attack their Irish fellows. On the 19th of last month, the English suddenly set upon the Irish, shouting, and pelting mud at them. Five Irishmen ran to a place where a ferry-boat plied ; the boat was not on their side of the river; in their terror they plunged into the current ; one swam to the opposite shore, but the other four were carried away by the stream and drowned. The Coroner is holding an inquiry with great privacy, that the English naviga- tors may not receive such tamely information as would allow those impli- cated to escape.
A second life was lost by the explosion in the Queen steam-boat at Devon- prt Mitchell, the engineer, having died last week from scalds and wounds. The inquest on Lane and the second sufferer terminated on Thursday sen- night Several more witnesses were examined. Mr. Towson stated that there had been too much pressure on the safety-valve, the weight having been too large ; this, and the defective state of the stays in the boiler, were the causes of the disaster. Other witnesses coincided. Mr. Mare the Go- vernment engineer-surveyor at the port, said he had called the attention of Mitchell to the steam-gauge ; it was out of repair ; Mitchell said it should be repaired ; and as his life was endangered by its defective state, Mr. Mare thought he would have attended to it; but he had not. Mr. Mare was not then aware that he could withhold his certificate in consequence of the state of the gauge ; he now found he had that power, and had just exercised it with respect to a river-steanier. Verdict—" Died from the effect of injuries received at the explosion of the Queen; • but as to the cause of that explosion, the Jury hadonot sufficient evidence to decide."
Another man has died at Bristol from hurts received in the steam-boat explosion.
A portion of Brinksway Mill, a large cotton-factory recently erected at Stockport, fell down on Monday, with the loss of ten or eleven lives. The disaster occurred during the dinner-hour, and most of the workers were away; but several women had remained, and these, with the workmen engaged in fitting up a water-wheel, were buried in the ruins. The portion of the mill that fell was that where a large water-wheel, auxiliary to a steam-engine, wqs to be erected ; to allow of thia, a larger space than usual was without an iron pillar to support the upper floors, a long iron beam up- holding the superineumbent weight. The supposition is that this beam had broken, or that the pillars on which the ends rested were insufficient for the- extra strain. The damage to the mill and machinery is estimated at several thousands of pounds.
Poole has been visited by a most destructive fire. It originated early on the morning ofThursday week, in the Steam Flour Company's mill, the largest build' in the town. These premises were destroyed, with the ma- chinery, 500 quarters of wheat, 500 sacks of meal, and 300 sacks of flour. The flames then spread to the corn and flour stores of Mr. E. Oakley, con- taining much grain and flour. Mr. Slade's oil-stores were also consumed, with two cottages. Other buildings were damaged; but a change of the wind, and the energetic measures of the townsmen, at length saved the place from further ravage. There were divers insurances on the property burnt,. but not sufficient to cover the loss—about 20,0001.