DIR. L. WELLESLEY.—This gentlerrian made a complaint of assault at
Bow Street on Saturday, but was referred to the City authorities, the alleged assault having happened in Fleet Street. Mr. Wellesley, it seems, had called at the Sunday Times office, to demand a contradiction of some paragraph that had appeared in that journal ; and having made use of an offensive expression with respect to Mr. S. Derbishire, the bar- rister, who was within hearing, an altercation ensued, and Mr. Derbi- shire made an attempt to strike Mr. Wellesley with a small whip ; arhich attempt he afterwards repeated, on Mr. Wellesley's getting into his cabriolet. Mr. Wellesley said he could not meet Mr. Derbishire as a gentleman—why, he did not explain. Mr. Derbishire is not quite so notorious as Mr. Wellesley, but he is one with whose kin, if not himself, we believe few educated men in Britain are unacquainted. He is grand- son of that far-famed " Allan" (Masterton, one of the masters of the Edinburgh High School), who forms with " Willie" (Nichol) and "Rob" (Burns) the trio of "merry boys" whose exploits are handed . down to all time in the well-known song of " Willie brewed a peck of manta' This is quite as respectable an origin as a Welsh attorney.