3 DECEMBER 1831, page 8

Legal Extortion.-a Case Of Very Great Importance Was...

week before Lord Lyndhurst. The question was, the liability of the Sheriff of Middlesex to the payment of treble fees illegally exacted by one of his bailiffs. The plaintiff in......

The Money Market.

STocts EXCHANGE, FR tDAT EVENING.-Consols closed on Saturday at83j3 for Money, and 831* for the January Account ; Exchequer Bills left off at 6s. to 7s premium. The news from......

Tiie Duchess Of Rent's Motiieil—the Duchess Dowager Of...

died on the 15th of November, aged seventy-four. A court- mourning has been ordered. Sims FRANCIS Bo auterr—The Morning Herald, a few days hack, stated that Sir Francis Burdett......


BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. On the 26th ult. Mrs. ARTHUR SYMMONDS, of Charlotte Street, Portland Place, of a daughter. On the 26th ult. at Hatford Rectory, Berks, the Lady of......

The Universities. Oxford.

On the 24th inst. G. Casson, B.A. of Brasennose College, and Exhibitioner on Mr. Hillme's Foundation, was elected a Fellow of that Society. The names of those Candidates who, at......

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, Dee.2. - 6th Regt. of Dragoons : Cornet T. W. M'Mahon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Jerningham, promoted ; F. Thompson, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice......

East India Shipping.

The Lord Melville, Brown, line put back to Calcutta a second time leaky. Arrived. At Gravesend, Nov. 26th, Countess Dunmore, Salmond, from Mauri- tius. In the Downs, Dec. 1st,......

The Church.

PREFERMENTS. - The Rev. E. Thomas, of Brltonferry, to the Vicarage of Lion- cawan, Glamorganshire. Patron, the Lord Chancellor. She Rev. It. Parkinson to be Citrate of Drumlish,......