Melodies, The Words Written And The Music Composed .
ALEXANDER KERR. There seems a growing fondness for writing and composing songs, among certain fashionable ladies ; and it is a propensity we would not wish to discourage. It......
H. B. has given us a scene of " The Gift of Tongues" in the political world. Lord Grey is the Irving, and is interpreting the ravings of John Bull, to the audience of statesmen.......
The Cabinet Star.
A VERY pretty and ingenious little device, called " the Cabinet Star," —or it may be termed the " Star of Reform" with equal propriety,_ deserves notice, for the sake of the......
PRINTS of costumes have always been in favour with the public ; and naturally so, for they are not only attractive to the eye, but entertaining to the mind : when, like those of......
Embellishments Of The Monthly Novels And Magazines.
GEORGE CROIKSHANE'S illustrations to the "Novelist's Library" ap- pear as though they had been produced with the novels themselves, so perfectly in keeping are not only the......
Numromat's Sacred Works, Numbers III. and IV. " How long wilt thou forget me ? " (Psalm "Miriam." The words by BARRY CORNWALL. The rapidity with which the compositions of M.......
" The Cadeau ;" A Christmas, New Years', Midsummer, Or
Birth-day Present, for 1832. The Musical Annuals have hitherto assumed, without exception, the quarto size; their publishers (perhaps wisely) regarding their contents of too......