3 DECEMBER 1831, Page 7

TIIE DUCHESS OF RENT'S MOTIIEIL—The Duchess Dowager of Saxe- Cobourg

died on the 15th of November, aged seventy-four. A court- mourning has been ordered. Sims FRANCIS Bo auterr—The Morning Herald, a few days hack, stated that Sir Francis Burdett had been included with the Palace dinner guests. As yet the Baronet has not been so hououred—Brightou Guardian. [Has he taken cholera in consequence ?j DEATH OF 'r HE BISHOP OF CALCUTTA.----DiS110p Turner died on the 7th July, at the episcopal residence, Chowringhee. The funeral of the reverend Prelate took place on the IIth of July, in the Cathedral church- yard at Calcutta. Brsnor Puna,rorrs.—This reverend father is still very unpapular in Exeter, notwithstanding the assertion of his honour by prosecutions for libel. The Western Times says, Mr. Barnes, his Lordship's secretary, has declared " that if the Bishop does not give up his unpopularity, he must give up the secretaryship." FALL OF A SixEcumsr.—Lord Robert Seymour expired on Thursday last, at a very advanced age, at his seat, Tali-Arias, in South Wales. His Lordship was the eldest brother of the late Marquis of Hertford, and uncle to the present Marquis. By his death the office of Joint Clerk of the Crown in Ireland becomes vacant,lfeening Paper. [ Is the office essential to the constitution ?] Tuis Manorts OF LONDONDERRY AND nIS NUIZSE.—The record in the case. Thomas r. the Marquis of Londonderry has been withdrawn ; the Marquis agreeing to give Mrs. Thomas 70/. in compensation for the assault, - and to pay the costs up to this clay, as between attorney and, client. [If the "Marquis would only get a little moderate in his Anti- Reform notions, we should entertain some Nunes of him yet.] A MODERN CINCINNATeS.—Sir Robert Peel, Bart. has again com- menced planting extensively on different parts of his denies:le, near Tamworth.—Birmingham Journal. Tun Fran Chabert died on Saturday ; the cause, internal inflammation from taking phosphorus.—Bath Chronicle. N.B. This has been contradicted ; one quack less or more is however of small importance when there are F.!, many. Tun TONGUE AGAIN.—On Sunday, Miss Hall and Miss Carstiale spoke for several minutes, the former before the sermon, and the latter at the conclusion. The burden of the one iady's discourse was " Rejoice," and of the other's " Beware." The miracle of the tonnue is, it appears, to be repeated every Sunday until furtilsr notice. HEALING VII: SICK.—A story is going the round td' the jourirds, of an attempt by Mr. Irving, and two of his female coadjutors, to cure a young woman in Duke Street, Westminster Read, of a he prayer and imposition of hands. The fact has b:.e% dispnted; and it is just pos- sible that the girl may have mist:II:en :mother person fee :lir. Irving; at the same time. it seems very nulikely that any one shenhi personate

the reverend geationan for stte:i a mirpost.. Of Collr-;u, Cure was effected ; but the girl was exposed, Imy the spiritual pc pie who visited_ her, to a great deal of uneasiness both. of mind and body.

al'iNG AND ma TEL sssasa. — The Trustees of the National Scotch Chnrch having requested Mr. Irvine either to retract or resign, he has refused to do either, Oil time ground that the trust-fleet: secures to

time minister time regulation of time public worship. In the event o£ any difference between time minister and time trustees, an nppeal must, according to the trust-deed, be made to the Presbyta ry of London, whose decisien is final. The 1 rusteas mean, therefore, to saimmit the matter to the Preebytery ; and, if al r. Irving refuses to (17,,y th(,ir decision

(which still, no doubt, be against him:‘,, they will app!y eml injunction to the Court of Chancery, for 11:s immediate expulsion.—Ti e•

Moan T Deeeamen.—A few days since. the parish ofilecrs of St. Luke's, Middlesex, received a letter from a ele-zg man of a par:-lm in Cambridge, requesting them to forward to him f:s. (N., for the burial of a child of a

poor man residing in Cambridge, who is a parishioner of Luke's. RELIGIOUS 6C1II,PLES.—The I:HMV! of the csanauar of Planque refused some time ago to bury an unborn child with its mother, who died in the sixth month of her pregnancy, Oil the ground that it had not been christened !

Motsunso BY MISTAKE.—The following story appears in a morning paper. A few days since, Lady Londonderry, accompanied by the Ho- nourable H— Fitz—, was taking a drive in a curricie in the vicinity of Sunderland, when a tumultuous assemblage surrounded the vehicle and impeded its progress, vociferating the most alarming threats against the Honourable H— F—, whom they mistook for Lord Londonderry. Her Ladyship became greatly alarmed for her own safety; but the mots offered her no violence, although they went so far as to drag the Ho- nourable H— F— out of the curriee. At length they were assured, by some respectable persons who witnessed their disgraceful proceedings, that the individual alluded to was not Lord Londonderry, and the car- riage was permitted to proceed, amidst the loudest expressions of disap- probation.

SomxArrs3r.—An Irishman, in the employment of Mr. Fitzpatri, Ship .Agent, Cork, took on Sunday sennight to the rather rare amuse- ment of swimming in his sleep. He was picked up, a hundred yards from the shore ; and is supposed to have swum a mile and a half, with- out waking. He could hardly be persuaded that he was not in bed. The cholera will hardly venture on this fellow; no cold will abate his. strength.

ANTI-REFORM Wns—Sir Harcourt Lees has published a proposal for preventing contagion in Ireland, by "surrounding the Corn Exchange with a loyal and Christian cordon of the 3rd and 14th Dragoons, and letting them open a fire upon the brutal bigots, knaves, and traitors in- side." "I can safely assert," lie says, "that from the chief villain to the lowest stable-boy. among the gang, not a single man among them cam be found with a washed face or a clean shirt. They carry pestilence as they more, and ought indiscriminately to be shot or hanged."-Corre- spondent of the Morning Herald.