Olt Se, Monsieur? oh why would you
Put our small Whigs in such a stew,
Make MELBOURNE fume, and G LEM° bustle, And fluster little JOHNNY RUSSELL,
Makiug the pale oue ghastly white, The Gleylings, fiyiniklish, with fright, While Tories gnu, that things have gone ill,
Despite that big Whig DAN O'CoNNett, ;
Canadians, why would you do so?
Eh, 11 done, Monsieur PAPINEAU
'Tis true they heard you long complain, 'Tis true ye ask'd redress in vain ;
Hoax. MOGEsWOHTH, ROEBUCK, and the rest.
Your Leaders, were a standing jest :
They moek'd each grievance, one by one,
And said, we feel it not—'tis none
True, to be treated like a slave, May fire the bosom of the brave: But still—you know, to strike a blow !
Eh, ft dune, Monsieur PAPINEAU
True, hope, when long deferred, makes sick Man's heart but you have been too quick?
You should have waited, it appears To me, about six hundred years.
What neekwas there for all this fuss, Awl being so obstropolous, This steaming on to freedom thus?
It never did much good for us.
You shoulkhave learned to jump Jim Crow, Eh, it done, Monsieur PAPINEAU
'Tis:true, three days saw Frenchmen free ; 'True, Belgium won fair Liberty ; Even Portugal her breathings fill; Even Spain is struggling for her still; And we applauded each and all, As tyrants nodded to their fall : Was England such?—she wasted money, 'Hewers of wood? in millions on ye; And Canada to:turn her foe I
Eh, it done, Monsieur PAPINEAU I
You had the right ; but oh, my eyes!
To use it, to refuse supplies!
'Tis true Collective Wisdom fobb'd
Your cash, which you perhaps call roWd.
But then, the Judges ab, Mon Dieu, Those worthies of an Orange hue,
Were they not all of the right sort?
Good Heaven, and not to pay them for 't Dow mould you like to be used so?
Eli, ft done, Monsieur PAPINEAU I
Oh no, Monsieur! although Circassia Bath liek'd to some slope bearish Russia; And south of you a little, though Texas is free from Mexico;
And though your next-door Yankee neighbour
Did great Great Britain well belabour ;—
0 Let dogs delight to bark nut? bite,
Let bears and lions growl and tight ;" But Canada I —oh Lord! oh I oh 1
Eh, ft done, Monsieur PAPINEAU What though a scornful foreign race Be crammed with perquisite and place? Yet patiently. like us, but wait, You may attain our blessed state— Ay, in some centuries, lucky elves, Be free and happy us ourselves— The scoff of LYNDHURST and the Lords, The slaves whose only weapon 's words, Who cry to you, at every blow.
Eh, ft done. Monsieur PAPINEAU AN lam Await.