The Gresham Music Lectures.
THE new Gresham Professor of Music entered on the discharge of his duties, at the Theatre of the City of London Sehool, on Monday evening. Mr. TAYLOR had signified to the......
The Theatres.
COMEDY is now coming in for its share of attention from the Covent Garden management ; the company being reinforced by Mrs. GLOVER, Mrs. Humpy, and Mr. STRICK AND, from the......
Classical Concerts.
Fr is only two years ago since Mr. Butnnove and a spirited party of young inteticiaris eonceived the idea of making an experiment on the taste of rhe public, by gi vine......
Vocal Concerts.
THE second Vocal Concert, on Monday night, consisted of the follow- ing selection 1. Overt ore, Faneleat HIMMEL. Dr GREEN F . 2. Anthem, '0 our hands" Ilonst.EY. 3. Glee, 'What......