3 FEBRUARY 1838, page 6

Tachatcti /fit Atc'tbing Tn Varriament.

( ATTAIRS Or CANADA, The Canada Bill was " reported," with the amendments, on Saturday. ' On Mealy, Lord JonN RUSSELL moved that it be read a third time. ...410Mr. LEADER......

At A Meeting Of The Court Of Common Council, On

Thursday, the Lord 'Mayor complainea that he had received a letter from Mr. An. derton, a member of the Court, alluding to a current report that be had never got his patent of......

Ebe Ailettnpoiia.

.A public meeting was Lehi on Vatalliesday, in the Town- boll of Southwark, to petition Pal litruient to grant the Bollot, extension of the Suffrage, arid Triennial Parliaments,......

In The Court Of Queen's Bench, On Monday, Mr. Cresswell

showed ca Ise against a rule for a criminal information obtained last term again t the proprietor of the Newcastle Journal, for a libel on Mr. Russ ll Bowlby of Sunderland. In......

Ein Court.

Nonca has been issued by the Lord Chamberlain, that the Queen will hold Levees at St. James's Palace on Wednesday the 14th and Wed- nesday the 2Ist days of February, at two......